Silver Spoke Giant Cheeseburger..I think there were 8 of us that ate there Saturday evening, and we all had these. Only differenc, 4 had diet coke, 4 had water :-) oh, and Big Dog had a lite brew. These were really tasty.

The restaurant really wasn't open, so we had to pay Amy in the bar for our food.

It's still early, but raining pretty hard still. There will be music here tonight, but I doubt if many will be there, the weather is terrible, and people are preparing for the ride out in the morning.

Amy and ?. These young ladies cook, do the dishes, wait tables, and tend bar. The sure did a fine job on our dinners tonight. Later on, Amy will be singing on the deck.

Jim Ayers and Mark Hicks thought it would be good to have an ice cream social after dinner. So, I took the Green Lizard to Walmart for some ice cream and supplies to eat it with. We had about 12 people enjoying it. I even bought a quart of low carb for the few of us that shouldn't eat the real stuff :-) Cheap B isn't a diabetic, but he figured he could have more topping if he ate the low carb ice cream :-) Works for me!

This is about the only sun in Eureka Springs today..It's been raining pretty hard all morning. These first 5 pics were taken around noon on 9/19/09.

Couple of nice shops. Picture is bleary because the rain was pouring.

Street people are a little different here. There is WiFi in town, so most of them have a laptop. And this one has a very cute 6 week old Jack Russel puppy!

More local color.

I had lunch here today. Not worthy of a picture...oh well.

Friday at 5:30 PM. Folks are coming into the convention section of the Best Western for a group picture.

Randy (Rainman) with his daughter Megan. And, Lucky Al :-) Megan rode her vn900 here from Tennessee in the rain. All by herself!

The official picture was taken by Jamey T. It will be a lot better than this, since he was up on the second story of the motel, and we got the people in front of the bikes.

Waiting to go into the banquet room.

I'll not ever try to name names. Remember you can click on a picture to see it better. I think there was 13 or 14 tables.

The Red hat person is Rusty (Ozark Kawboy). He and his wife has a minor accident on the way down to ES. Glad they are fine....and....they are the couple that found the keys hanging out of my car door in downtown ES...Thanks again for getting them to me!

Joel (Waterman) has only a few hours left to be 42 years old here..and....Bob.(Red Rover) cheer up! You're going to win a very nice helmet as soon as you finish your meal:-)

This just happens to have been the best table in the house!

These guys are having too much fun!

Cheap B's plate (Mark Hicks) He's a real meat eater!

Flyin' Willy and Mitch...
Cassie won this patch right here at last year's rally.
Moon, Flamekiller, Jennifer, and a lady whose name I can't remember did a fine job of getting out the prizes. Went a lot quicker this year..there weren't as many, and, she called names instead of numbers. Good job, Moon.

The banquet is over, people are headed to their various motels, and the Iron Horse Stables to visit.
The Bassboat is about ready to pull anchor and head back to the Country Mountain Inn.
This group was one of the of many that share the Best Western rooms. It's a large place!
Mitch was in a racing mood. He had a race, but i didn't see who he was riding with until it was too late for a better shot.
Being a little on the "square" side, I'm not sure what this means. But I sure saw a lot of the guys doing it at the rally. I didn't want to seem uninformed, so I didn't ask what it meant :-)
Toby is telling Susan something. At least his hands are talking
Jamey, Josh (almost birthday boy), Mal, and I think that's Amy, the bartender. Not sure of her name.
Melonie "trouble" (her new nic) and Susan "Zmean1" were the life of the party!
Trouble and Malachi are doing some kind of weird dance. We tried to get them on the table, but the ceiling was too low.
Mal, Susan and Amy.
You'll have to click on this one to read the bottle. Mal and Susan we're keepers of the inventory by this time of the evening.
Stewey is truly a fun guy to be around! A quick wit, and a happy smile!
Amy has worked for Phil and Janie for a long time. She tends bar, helps in the restaurant, and is a Singer/Entertainer on the weekends.
Mr. Clean..Well He goes by Cheap B., and Amy
Shelby was on his best behavior! The ex-Canadian was having a good visit with his friend Flip.
Flip is looking a little skeptical...probably with good reason. Here comes trouble! :-)
Steve Chandler (Piper) is warming up his pipes for the memorial service.

Moon did an excellent job. I've been to 8 of these services here during the ES rally, and this one seemed to be the most meaningful to me. It was fairly brief, but to the point, and did a fine job of honoring those that aren't with us any more. And, as usual, Piper's Amazing Grace, brought tears to many eyes.
A wet boat. But...boats are suppose to be wet. I don't know why I take so many pics of this bike..maybe because I like it, and it's fun to tease Jamey about the sparkles.:-)
Last Silver Spoke Breakfast of this year. Very good food, at a very good price..and the best people in the world to share a meal with.
The Blue's Sisters..or, maybe make that Booze Sisters..Things look different in the morning :-)
Tracy is an excellent waitress! She handled breakfast all by herself every morning, for a lot of rowdy folks. She was very fast, and kept everything coming, with no mix ups that I know of. Notice all that food in front of Susan. Most of it was still there when she left to drive to Kansas..I think she either was trying to cut some calories..or.....may have had a slightly queasy tummy :-)
Willy only wanted one pancake..that baby is huge! Covered full sized plate, and about 3/4 inch thick.
Morning on the deck.
It's raining pretty hard. The rides have pretty much been cancelled.

Lucky Al is explaining the finer points of singing Karaoke to Moon.
Randy and Kim (That's Rem and Flamekiller)
"The Boys" plotting what they will do during this rainy day...too nasty to ride.
Waterman is not 43 years old!! He got his first birthday wishes at 12:01 AM this morning.
A row of very wet motorcycles.
Jennifer, Marla and Cassie.
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